Course objectives

1. We study NCL (NCAR Command Language), a statistical analysis tool for meteorological data, to conduct basic statistical analysis applied to meteorology.

2. Learn how to apply the meteorological statistical techniques to weather data using NCL

Course schedule


Lecture and Experiment Contents


대기과학을 위한 NCL ( 봄인컨설팅 )

Week 1

Course overview and NCL programming language overview

Week 2

Linux environments and the vi editor

Week 3

Understanding workstation and attributes / NCL graphics Ⅰ- Line Plots

Week 4

NCL graphics Ⅱ- Bar Charts and Contour Plots

Week 5

File I/O in various formats (ascii, binary, standard grid data (NetCDF, GRIB))

Week 6_1


Week 6_2


Week 7

NCL data structure and variables

Week 8

NCL graphics Ⅲ - Map Projection and Vector Plots

Week 9

NCL graphics Ⅳ - Overlay and Panel Plots

Week 10

Climatology and anomaly

Week 11

Composite analysis

Week 12

Statistical test

Week 13

Regression analysis

Week 14

The basic of concepts machine learning

Week 15
